About me

Hi everyone, let me introduce myself and tell you more about my journey and story.

My name is Angel Wicky. I was born 8th of April 1991 in Czech Republic, Europe. I’m kind, loving, smily, positive and open minded woman. I’m strong, smart, resilient, determined, hard working and never giving up. I’m a spiritual person who went to hell and back to find herself and rebuild her life. I’m survivor of physical, sexual, emotional and mental abuse. Of cancer, Lyme disease and paralysis. I’m an advocate of mental health and holistic healing and approach.
My big passion is learning, studying, expanding my knowledge and skills. Eating and cooking healthy vegan food, traveling, exploring and trying new things, being creative and artistic, singing, dancing, spending time in nature and with animals. Especially my horse and kitten. But most of all, helping people and supporting them on their own healing journey. Because I know how it feels to be lost, scare and alone.

My journey started immediatelly when I was born. Into a complicated, toxic, abusive and Catholic family. I was unwanted child, physically, mentally and emotionally abused since I was born. Never good enough, alway deserving of punishment. Sexually abused and taken advantage of as teenager. Unsure of what love and life is about. I was severely depressed, lost and desperate for love, attention and understanding. I struggled with anorexia and self harm and after multiple unsuccessfull attempts to run away from home I finally did it when I was 18. I was determined to build my own life, career and future. But little did I know about the world and people in it.

I’ve studied musical/opera singing and acting, and humanities. Psychology, sociology and philosophy. I was always fascinated by human behavior, thought, skills and body and I loved singing and acting. When I was 18 I entered the world or show business, modeling and acting.
I’ve became multi-talented business woman. A world famous model, actress, producer, director and entrepreneur working for the biggest companies and magazines around the world. A cover girl who has graced the cover of eleven Playboy magazines, three FHM magazines and others. An exhibitionist and extrovert who loves to show off and command a stage. A business owner with my own company and over fifty employees.

Unfortunately not everything is as it seems to be. Not everything is glitz and glam and as you know, most people in today’s world wear masks, pretend and act like everything is ok. And I was one of them. During my life and career in show business I built myself up as this perfect, capable, sexy, smiling, dominant, independent and successful woman. But much more was happening with me under the surface and in 2017, when I was 26, things escalated to the point I wanted to commit suicide. I was betrayed, used and sexuality, physically, mentally and emotionally abused by colleges, boss, people I thought I could call friends or my life partner. I’ve been through physical health problems including immunity and kidney problems and cancer. And mental health problems as depression, anxiety, extreme fears, CPTSD, self harm and destructive behavior.

I’ve tried so hard to move away from my unhappy childhood and teenage years. To be perfect for everyone. As model, actress and as woman, partner and friend. I gave my life, love and care to others, animals and people. But I completely forgot about myself. My life, my own happiness, needs and boundaries. I’ve neglected myself and I had no idea who I was anymore. I’ve became a robot, wearing a mask, acting that I was ok, trying to hide how unhappy and lost I was. That was drowning. And my life experiences combined let me to a very dark place I ended up when I was 26. A place of burn out, self destructive behavior and suicidal thoughts. And no one cared. I’ve became my worst enemy and my behavior changed into a very bad and toxic one as well.

Luckily in 2019, part of me noticed what was happening to me and I started questioning everything, trying to find a way out of my situation and find some answers. I was sick of being miserable and misused. I was sick of being a puppet in work and in my privacy. I was sick of being constantly bullied, manipulated and lied to. And I was sick of who I’ve become.

I wanted to understand why are these things happening to me, why my abusers or I reacted and behaved certain way and where did it came from. I wanted to know more about human behavior, thoughts, patterns, motifs and about myself. I wanted to find myself again. Who I really am without all the programming and rules of my family, school, work, partners and society. Without all the toxic behavior and relationships. So I made radical decision and within one week changed my life. I moved to new apartment, left my toxic partner and friends, withdrew from the mainstream show business and media, built my own company and business and started working on myself.

As I battled and survived another wave of health problems, tumors in my head and later Lyme disease, I stayed strong, positive, determined and hardworking. I rebuilded my life and started over before, so I can do it again. No matter the circumstances. I dived into learning, studying, researching and working on myself. Food, nutrition, physical health, plant medicine, herbs, different healing techniques, mental health, trauma, CPTSD, fight, flight, freeze, fawn, attachement styles, behavior and emotional study, relationships, sexuality, coaching, psychology, psychotherapy, conscious and subconscious mind, addictions, shadow work, spirituality, energy, and many more. But also I started finally expressing myself after all those years of being lost, scared and suppressed. Expressing and finding who I really am. Trough painting, dancing, singing, writing and being creative.

Layer by layer, piece by piece I started to understand more of who I really am and who I don’t want to be anymore. Layer and layer, piece by piece I was removing and healing what no longer served me and harming me, coming back to myself and what truly makes me happy.

In the same time, in April 2019, I went trough a shift in my life and perception. An expansion of consciousness and awareness beyond only body and mind. And my psychic powers and abilities started really kicking in so I could not ignore them anymore. They started helping me and navigating me through life. I started feeling, seeing, perceiving and understanding people and things on different level. Some things were very scary, like from a horror movies, but some were beautiful and Incredible things weee happening. Strangers, my fans but also shamans, psychics or energy workers that crossed my path or social networks were telling me they had dreams or visions about me. That they had a message for me. Telling me who I really am. That I’m on a mission here and that I’m walking on the right path. That everything that ever happened to me and I experience happened for a reason. It was my soul’s plan and destiny. So I use those powers I had and those messages I received to advance my learning and healing. I built my own company and a community where I was helping people and supporting them on their journey as well. While spreading joy, kindness and love.

In 2022 I went through a shock. The old patterns and past experiences were repeating once again. I was assaulted, abused and betrayed by people I trusted and know for most of my life. A friend, colleague and a family member. I was depressed, suicidal, burn out, lost and angry. Searching for answers and understanding why is it happening again, what I have to do to stop it and get out of that loop that keeps repeating since I was born. I attended Ayahuasca retreat to learn more about myself, what’s happening to me and to go deeper. My experience was absolutely insane and even though I could not immediately understand everything what happed there, it helped me a lot.
But as if things were not crazy enough, in December 2022, two months after my Ayahuasca retreat I got paralyzed on my upper right body, neck and limb. I was in horrible pains, my heart was failing and I had 2% chance of recovery, of not being paralyzed from neck down. Things were escalating fast and I was forced to make radical decisions in my life. To fully step into and embrace the spiritual path, the path of a healer and exorcist. To embrace my gifts, powers and who I really am. To remember, to stop running away and being afraid. To leave show business, start shutting down my own company and step into the unknown.

And as I chose so, in February 2023 I went through massive spiritual and kundalini awakening. An unlocking of skills, knowledge, past lives, chakras, energy body, primordial intelligence and consciousness through time, space and reality. Remembering of who I really am and becoming it. Understanding that we are in a Matrix, my mission on Earth and what I need to do.

I started battling for my life on physical and spiritual level and plane of existence. I’ve went trough another massive reset and started my life over. Started healing, growing, learning, evolving and changing. Fast.

After my awakening at April I was struggling and lot with everything happening to me. Everything I felt, saw and experienced. The crash of the reality we are being raised in and we are living at was insane. That the things we perceive as the raeality and the truth are not actually the reality and the truth. And that the world is much more that what humans are able to comprehend. I was spiraling into depression, chaos, fears and got to the point I wanted to commit suicide again. Everything was too much. I could feel, see, know, sense things beyond human comprehension. Layers of reality and existence, past and present merging together, humans all around the world getting abused, screaming in pain, begging for help, demons and spirits possessing people, horrible nightmares. I was lost, confused and in pain.

And than I met Eve. An energy workerd, healer, exorcist and Divine chaneller. I started working with her and she was teaching me, guiding me and helping me to understand more of what’s happening with me and how to handle it and work with it. Helping me face and heal those deep woulds, traumas, fears and unsecuritis I carried with me since I was a child. She is my best friend and a sister. My spirit mom and a teacher. We remember thousands of life times we spent together across different worlds and realms. We can communicate not only by words by also by mind, emotions, energy, visions and more.
I have my own company and shared company The healing warriors with her.

In the year 2023 I became internationally certified Life coach and psychotherapist with degree in coaching. I started helping people holistically and complexly on all levels of their being.

In 2024 I went through another spiritual awakening, consciousness expansion and an ascension. I died and came back few times. Shedding pieces of me that no longer served me, or was me. While in the same time more and more of who I really am was coming back into this body. Knowledge, skills, gifts, abilities, powers.
I’m traveling around the world, studying and researching ancient knowledge, combining it with my own inner knowing, connecting and working withsacred places, plant medicine, light beings from different realms and dimensions. While helping planet Earth and people along the way. Doing energy healing evens and sessions and helping people in need. In Europe, Peru, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Egypt etc.

I do, see, feel and know things. I’m a psychic, empath, healer, neo shaman and exorcist. I sing in light languages, do energy work, spinal surgery, life force activations, activate healing abilities in other people, plant medicine, removal of negative and struck energies, emotions and traumas. I banish spirits, entities, demons, break hexes and curses, reset chakras, heal addictions, mental health problems, ease physical illness. I remove and destroy what no longer serve the clients and harming them. I connect clients to Mother Earth, the Source, different realms, their past lives, psychic gifts, knowing, to who they really are and much more. I work closely with different being, spirit guides and I channel the energy of the Divine, The source.

I’ve dedicated my life to learning, studying, evolving, healing and teaching. To loving and caring for myself and for others. Physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. I’m also developing my own healing methods and techniques using my knowledge and skills from this life and my past life’s. From planet Earth and different galaxies, realms and dimensions I’ve existed before.
This work is my passion, joy and mission.

As I went trough and survived many horrible things in my life I understand, what my clients are going trough, how painful, hard, scary and lonely it can be. As an energy worker, healer, psychic and empath I’m able to connect to clients on multiple levels and feel and receive informations important for their process, healing journey and life lessons. A complex and holistic approach on all levels of human existence.
I make sure my clients are not fighting their battles alone and they are seen, heard and supported. No matter what they are dealing with. 

I’m The living flame. The warrior. The survivor. The protector. I’m here to help, heal and teach people. Help humanity and Mother Earth ascend. To bring change and lead by example. Because if I could do it, to become who I really am and to rebuild myself from millions of broken pieces, than you can do it too. You can change. You can heal. You can evolve. It’s never too late to start over. And you are not alone.