
Working with Angel Wicky has been life changing. From the start, she created a safe and nurturing space where I felt comfortable exploring new aspects of myself. Her intuitive guidance and gentle approach not only made me feel better but also empowered me to embrace spontaneity. I can’t thank Angel enough for the positive shift in my life; I find myself smiling more, living in the moment, and enjoying the allure of unpredictability. If you’re seeking life coach and or a therapist, look no further.
Thank you

Thank you for your guidance, wisdom and care. It was really hard to open up and share my life and traums with you but It was the best decidion I ever made. Since the beginning I felt welcomed, seen and heard. I felt supported. And you holding my hand and hugging me when I started crying reminded me how much I need to open up and ask for help. I am a guy who never show weakness or tears. But I did with you. And I was safe.
Thank you

Having session with you was a gift for me! Thank you for your incredible, passionate and sexy energy you pour into me! My pain after C section and child birth is gone and my passion for life, intimacy and sex is back! Thank you!
I wish only for one thing, for me to meeting you sooner. Thank you for changing my life.

Dear Wicky,
I’ve had the pleasure to have an online session with you on Monday 23rd October. It was my first time ever I spoke with a completely stranger about my personal situation, my problems and my issues. To be honest , I was unsure how this will work on me. But when it started and as the time was passing by , I was feeling better more and more and the real feeling I got was like talking to someone I knew for ages. You made me feel happy for putting out of me all these things that make me feel tired and uneasy daily. My problems can be solved , you gave me advices and suggestions that I can use. I would definitely love to have another session in the future and I will highly recommend you.
With love and appreciation,

During our session I felt I was in loving hands. She let me feel like a child who is confident that he is save with her. Safe like with his mother. Despite the fact I am a closed off person I immediately wanted to share with her my internal feelings. At the end of our session I felt relief.
I hope I will be seeing her again.

Thank you for your guidance, wisdom and care. It was really hard to open up and share my life and traums with you but It was the best decidion I ever made. Since the beginning I felt welcomed, seen and heard. I felt supported. And you holding my hand and hugging me when I started crying reminded me how much I need to open up and ask for help. I am a guy who never show weakness or tears. But I did with you. And I was safe.
Thank you
Having session with you was a gift for me! Thank you for your incredible, passionate and sexy energy you pour into me! My pain after C section and child birth is gone and my passion for life, intimacy and sex is back! Thank you!
I wish only for one thing, for me to meeting you sooner. Thank you for changing my life.


Dear Wicky,I’ve had the pleasure to have an online session with you on Monday 23rd October. It was my first time ever I spoke with a completely stranger about my personal situation, my problems and my issues. To be honest , I was unsure how this will work on me. But when it started and as the time was passing by , I was feeling better more and more and the real feeling I got was like talking to someone I knew for ages. You made me feel happy for putting out of me all these things that make me feel tired and uneasy daily. My problems can be solved , you gave me advices and suggestions that I can use. I would definitely love to have another session in the future and I will highly recommend you.With love and appreciation,GiannisDuring our session I felt I was in loving hands. She let me feel like a child who is confident that he is save with her. Safe like with his mother. Despite the fact I am a closed off person I immediately wanted to share with her my internal feelings. At the end of our session I felt relief.
I hope I will be seeing her again.
To have a session of any kind with Angel Wicky is truly an unforgettable experience. No one has made me feel safer, more comfortable, or more understood. Whichever type of session you choose, it will surely be a treasured memory. I work with Angel for a while now and I will keep working with her.

Hi Angel,
In the two weeks from our session my life started changing in a rapid ways. I have a feeling like I’ve lost at least twenty kilos. Like I have more and more energy. I can run with my little nephews, dance with my friends and I feel younger. Thank you for your support and everything you do for me and others. I feel incredible!

Thank you, Angel for all the support. I am so glad to face all of this happening with me with you! Not to be alone. I want to overcome it! I was so tired to be in same shit for so long. Finally I am not alone and fighting!
Thank you 

Hi Angel Wicky..i would like to thank you from my bottom of my heart. You’re a inspiration and an amazing person. When i first saw your social media post about how you are leaving show business, changing your life and embarking on a spirutal journey i thought why can’t i do that. Your post gave me courage and inspiration to change my life. I thought to myself, if someone can change their life why can’t i do that too. And I reached out to you for support. I was a drug addict and people around me considered me a failure. I almost gave up, thinking and believing that i am a failure. But now i am drug free, am employed. And I could only do this because of you. Although you dont know me personally and i dont know you personally, we know each other only from zoom, you gave me courage and inspiration to change my life. I am sure there are many people in this world who think this way. Please continue what you are doing now. You’re a beacon of hope and inspiration. Again from my bottom of my heart i would like to say whole heartedly thank you very much Angel Wicky, i owe you every bit of positive in my life. Thank you


Hello Angel:
Here’s what I would like to say:
Before my first meeting with Angel, I was very anxious.  To be honest, my life was a bit of a mess.  Angel was able to reassure me and I felt very comfortable speaking with her.  She is a person you can trust with your feelings.  
She helped me work through some serious issues in my life, and even after just one session, I felt much better.  She is a good listener and provided some sound advice.
Angel is the kindest and most beautiful woman in the world.  She helped to repair my heart and I will be forever grateful.


I had three therapy and healing session with Angel. I suffered from chronic pain and migraines. I tried everything to get better and I honestly did not believed I would ever get a day without pain again. And no, I did not believed energies and that stuff before but living in constant pain made me question a lot things, including our medical system, my mental and overall health. I decided I have nothing to loose to try this with Angel. I can always stay on medication and pain killers.
I can’t really explain what was happening to me during the sessions with Angel. But I felt things I haven’t felt before. I cried, yelled, laughed, danced and cried again. I did not know what Is possible to feel and experience before. It was beautiful. Angel was holding my hand when I needed it. She could somehow feel what I feel and what I need. And I was able to let go of pain and stress I accumulated over the course of my life. It was gentle yet strong experience. Angel is strong and soft and very caring person.
My chronic pains and migraines are gone. But not only this changed. I understand more about my life’s situation and struggles. Angel helped me address underlying issues and fears. I learned and discovered new things about myself and I found out how strong I am.
Sessions with Angel changed my life. I have a lot to think about now.

I am a very private person. I hate talking to people. However, talking to you was certainly refreshing. I was definitely paid attention to and you instantly understood what was going on, which is certainly a breath of fresh air for me because I hardly get to experience an enriching conversation almost ever. You are certainly pleasing to the mind, soul and spirit as you are to the eyes. You’re definitely highly intelligent. Through conversation with you, I also realized many things about my current and past life. You opened a new reality to me.
Despite being a former adult star and model and the public opinion you have to contend with, you are certainly a human that has garnered the highest level of respect from me. You are certainly beautiful, continue to own your outer beauty as well as your inner.

My feedback on our kundalini activation sessions: WHAT THE FUCK?! FUCK YEAH! HIT BY A LIGHTING! SHAKING LIKE CRAZY, LAUGHING, CRYING AND ENERGY ORGASM! I mean, I did a lot retreats, ayahuasca and energy work sessions in my life, but Angel is a whole lotta different level.

I had therapy session with Angel Wicky 12th October 2023. Angel welcomed me, asked me how I am feeling and we chatted for a while. She asked me what I would like to discuss today, to get help with. I was in a bad mental state but she was guiding me trought the session with gentleness and care. Even thought we got into very uncomfortable childhood traumas and I was scared. After a while I was able to win over my fears and traumas. I was able to see the possibilities again, to set my boudries and speak my truth. She ask me to talk to her as if I was talking to my parents. It was incredible feeling. I never experienced such an empathy and care before. And such a freedom afterwards. I learned I am not my traumas and childhood and I can start over and fresh. Angel made me smile again and be grateful to be alive. I also want to say I really like your humor.
Thank you

I had the chance to speak with Wicky through during a time of uncertainty in my personal life; I was dealing with both my pre-teen daughter juvenile depression a few years after my wife’s death, and my father’s diagnosis of Lewy body dementia. I had to take care of so many things with my children and my parents, emphasized by the difficult relationship I always had with my father in multiple levels, that I felt drowned in responsibilities and overwhelmed with issues to take care of.
After talking with Wicky of this situation and of her own issues, she told me a so simple but so wise advice, a thing that was so obviously simple that I never thought about it : sometimes, all we need to fix things is to think about ourselves before thinking of the others, in order to help them…
Since then, I always think about this so simply clever thing to put me back on trails. It sincerely is one of the most useful little chat I have ever had, and it could only come from somebody who’s wise, caring and open-minded – and I dearly thank Wicky each time for this…
Thank you again Wicky. Yours, sincerely,
This is my review about my meeting with the amazing, glamorous and sweet woman that is Miss Angel Wicky.
We met at an apartment she was staying at in London (discreet location) and she communicated with me very well, even gave me a heads up 10 days prior to meeting me, of the area she would be staying in saying she is looking forward to meet me. This made me feel happy and safe about meeting her.Upon arrival, she greeted me with a big hug and smile, guided me into her appartment and offered a glass of water and seat at her sofa. She ask me how I am doing and feeling today. The chat we had together felt like I was talking to a friend. Supportinve and kind friend who is really listening to you and carring about your well being. Not even my friends do that much. And it is hard to talk to them sometimes. Especially about sensitive informations. I was surprised by her attitute, energy and wisdom. I did talk to her for two hour but it felt much shorter. It is very empowering to see I am not alone in my struggles and my feeling and valid. Before I left we had a selfie together which I thought was sweet of her.I would definitely go and see her again if she ever comes back to the U.K. anytime soon, she is a kind woman who is full of life and shows she cares. She  wants you to feel comfortable when you are in her company and I really appreciate it.
Hope to see you again soon Angel

Miss Wicky,
I wish I could give you better review but the only thing I cas say it thank you. You chamged my life. You helped me when noone else did. Thank you.


I want to give you a review of a coaching we did a few weeks ago. You helped me come up with a marketing plan. You also helped me talk through the different ways I could market it to a wider audience. You were very helpful and insightful while also helping me come up with a plan of action. You are one of the best coaches I have had. I would go as far to say your coaching has changed my whole marketing strategy for the better. Thank you again Angel for all of your help!
Hey Angel we had conversations with you on your DM/message board and we have spoken about what was going on in our lives at the time. Mainly I would mention how your honesty about your life, struggles, life experiences and accomplishments where inspiring and heartfelt. It would comfort me and make my struggles more manageable. We’re all just people trying to survive and help each other and make everything better. Your great attitude, thoughts and teachings just make you so much more attractive and your giving nature makes our lives better.
Take care, Gus

i had  coaching session with Angel a few month ago. The purpose was to help me with my mental health and life.
When we start, Angel explain me simply how the session was going, step by step and clearly, with patience and kindess, that immediatly made me feel safe with her, so we starting. In the first step i explain what was in my mind and life, Angel take the time to listen and ask few questions when we do that, that was very confortable, i feel safe again and talk really freely.At this point i expected some advices, but it was not the case. Angel take the time to ask me some questions about all off that i was talking to her, but the questions was incredibly relevant !
It was at this moment i understand the purpose of this session and it was crazy for me, i never try a coaching session like this, it’s not like the coach, Angel in that case, had to find the key of my problems, she’s ask me step by step some simple questions and she made me step by step again to think differently and i discover with that i have the keys in my hands, and i can see and resolve my problems. She certainly helping me a lot with few things and  today i think differently and solve my problems one by one much easier than before.
To resume, Angel was very kind, she always smile and today i feel like she was behind me, support me. She asked very good questions who made me realise i can and i’m going to be fine one day. I don’t have reasons to not tell to who search a life coach to not try Angel, i think she can help a lot of people.
i recommand Angel, she’s kind, patient and make you safe with her.
Thank you Angel for all your kindess.

Hi Dear,
What fascinated me is your approch to “Be nice and kind to each other”! The chat we had was much needed and appreciated. You are very patient and all my questions and needs had beed answered. I will look forward to further conversation with you and I am convinced that you are unique person. Thank you
Love and hugs,
Dear Angel,
I never tought me and my husband will need a therapist to help us comunicate. Our marridge was perfect until the moment we stopped talking and start fighting all the time. I filed for divorce and did not expected anything else. Thanks to your online presence and comunication you had with my husband on your platform he decided to schedule zoom call with you which was very beneficial to him. I don’t know what you discussed but he was willing to talk to me again and two weeks later we had zoom call and session with you as couple. I did not know what to expect from you but you surpass all my expectations. It felt like we were talking to a friend. One who really care. Your questions, ideas and quidance were on point. Talking to you was painful but eyes opening. It made us realize how much we love each other and how much we want to save our marrige. Thank you for helping us communicate and again. We will be seeing you again.
I am a married man with two kids but I have not been my self as late I feel so low not wanted not loved. I needed some kind of help but did not know who to turn to so I asked MS Angel Wicky for help although we have only had a few messages with each other but she has been really good to me. During our session she has been really kind and given me some questions to ask myself which helped me. I know the people who she has a session with will benefit a great deal from it.

I have got disconnected with myself and need to get back into it. Definitely. I remember you often and the session we had. It was special and my chest pain and panic attacks are gone.

Hallo Angel,
You helped me and my husband. Thanks to you me and my husband we found each other again and we opened up.
Thank you S+M