Energy work, healing, exorcism
What I do, heal or remove.

Mental health problems, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, burn out, depression, anxiety, fears, traumas. self harming and sabotaging behavior, OCD, addictions ( alcohol, drugs, food, technology, sex, porn, pain…), CPTSD, insomnia, unhealthy behavior patterns and programming, anorexia, bulimia.

Improvement of physical problems, illnesses and pains etc. Stuck energy, emotions, hexes, curses, demons, entities, cords.

Opening, cleaning, activating and resetting chakras and meridians, activate life force energy- Kundalini energy and self healing abilities, clean and reconnected with past lives, knowledge and memories, unlocking potential and psychic gifts, balance and reconnect bodies – physical, energetical, mental, emotional, astral, etheric etc, reconnect to Mother Earth and Source, Spirit realm so clients can feel, see, know and experience things for themselves – talking to past loved ones, spirit guides, guardian Angels and Archangels, connect to Higher self, soul, intuition and the most beneficial life path or spiritual path etc.

Energy and transmittion of love, joy, peace, strength , support, creativity, determination, hope, resilience etc. Certain skills, informations, knowledge and energies clients need and will benefit from. Strengthening and smoothing aura, shield or bubble of protection,

Working on animals, places, objects. Same as on clients.

What happens during the energy work and healing?
What clients experiences what clients experienced?

I hold certain energy and frequency which I expand, fill the room with it and the clients bodies. i also bring in frequency and energy from Mother Earth, Source or different realms. I do energy work, based on what is needed in the room and what every individual needs

I can be for instance opening and activating client’s chakras, working on meridians, removing entities, energies, cutting cords that no longer serve them, and help them release stored trauma’s and emotions. I can sing and speak in soft or strong light language and use the energy that naturally flows through me. 
For every individual the experience is different. Some people feel emotions, thoughts or memories coming up, others move their bodies as the energy flows trough them. Some people have visions or even communicate with passed loved ones, others feel the energy, electricity and temperatures move through their body. Some enter state of meditation or consciousness expansion, astral traveling and many more. Some remember their past lives and more of who they really are.

Healing is happening on conscious, subconscious, emotional, mental, energetical and spiritual level. And keeps happening for next few weeks after the session. What is happening during the activation and healing is only fraction of what is really happening and keep happening during the next few weeks. Things will come up, shift and change. What no longer serves the clients will be moving to the surface to be acknowledged and released. New understanding, awareness and clarity will come. New possibilities. And if the client really want he can use this and do massive changes in his or hers life.

This work can be done and repeated as needed. From my clients feedback the most beneficial, complex and life changing is series of 5 sessions, done once every 1-3 weeks depending on the work being done and the integration process needed after. The more healing energy flows though clients body and more freely it flows the more healing and beneficial changes will happen. 

We are not only a body and mind and this work helps people not only to heal on all levels, connect more to Mother Earth, Universe, Source and to themselves. But awoken and remember more and more of who they really are.